The social science forum

Social science forum of Political Science, Sociology, History and Economics department organize several thought provoking and educative congregations for developing in depth knowledge of their respective students. They organize debates, group discussions, Seminar etc. All important National and International days are celebrated with fervor. Political Science Forum organized National Seminar on the topic th Parliamentary Government in India-Challenges And Panacea on 15 March 2016. Dr. D. Suresh-IAS Divisional Commissioner Gurgaon inaugurated the seminar. Dr.Ved Pratap Vedic a well known senior journalist, Dr.Himanshu Roy, Dr.S.P.Singh and Dr.krishan Murari renowned Professors from University of Delhi were the main resource persons. Ms. Garima Mittal-IAS Administrator HUDA, Faridabad chaired the valedictory function and presented certificates to the participants